Amazfit Bip S Lite Smart Watch Fitness Tracker for Women, 30 Days Battery Life, 1.28”Always-on Display, 14 Sports Modes, Heart Rate & Sleep…
Last updated on September 15, 2024 12:50 am Details
❤️Keropp_73😊 –
Para mi utilizar un smart watch se ha convertido en casi imprescindible, pero me fastidia tener que cargar la batería cada poco tiempo, y es por eso que he elegido el Amazfit Bip S Lite, ya que tiene un precio ajustado y la batería dura unos 30 días aproximadamente.
A parte del detalle de la batería, me gusta que la pantalla siempre se ve. Por defecto está sin iluminar, así que si hay bastante luz se ve bien. Pero de no verse, con pulsar el botón se ilimina.
Los distintos programas se pueden manejar desde el propio reloj o desde la aplicación del móvil, como se prefiera, así que es muy cómodo (programar alarmas, medir ritmo cardiaco, empezar a hacer deporte, etc).
Para las personas que les guste personalizarlo, como es mi caso, he de decir que tiene muchas esferas para elegir, lo único que no se puede elegir los valores que se quiere ver en la pantalla, hay que elegir una esferera que los lleve por defecto (a mi me gusta ver fecha, hora y número de pasos).
En cuanto a las notificaciones, se puede elegir que entren de un montón de aplicaciones. Yo sólo he puesto para Whatssap y Messenger, ya que con el e-mail, por ejemplo, me estarían llegando cada pocos minutos y no quiero eso. Se ve en la pantalla el texto del mensaje, pero he de decir que los emojis no los reconoce.
Otra cosita que tiene que me gusta y no tienen otros relojes parecidos, es que funciona para bicicleta estática. No lo veo imprescindible, pero si que me gusta que cuando hago bicicleta en el gimansio me lo cuente.
Por el momento funciona genial, muy contenta.
Melinda –
✅Las correas de silicona son bastante cómodas y mi pareja no tuvo ningún problema con ellas a pesar de usar el reloj durante todo el día
✅El peso del reloj es lo suficientemente liviano como para no molestar en la muñeca.
✅Tiene una excelente visibilidad al aire libre, porque cuanto más brillante es la luz del sol, más clara se ve. Es ideal para quienes entrenan mucho al aire libre.
✅Sincronización con la aplicación Zepp muy sencilla e intuitiva.
✅El monitoreo de la frecuencia cardiaca es más que correcto en los rango de precio en los que está éste reloj.
❌ La gestión de notificaciones necesita mejorar
laura –
I got this to have notifications of texts when I’m away from my phone, as I work from home, and knowing when work is texting is important. in that regard, it is perfect!! love it! the sleep tracking was something I really looked forward to, because I have insomnia and know that I don’t sleep much – I really wanted to know exactly how much. The other night I intentionally pressed the button the watch when I was awake, so that it would know I wasn’t sleeping – but the tracking still said I was sleeping for all 8 hours – which even my phone sleep tracker said closer to 5, and I wasn’t even on it. So clearly the watch only goes off of heart rate, and not movement, at all.
11brookey –
I was looking for something more informative than a pedometer, but less intense and expensive than a smart watch or a big-name fitness tracker. I’ve had FitBits in the past. My lifestyle is no longer fitness-centered. The Amazfit GTS 3 meets my needs. It has an incredible number of features for the price. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to use some of them, because the instructions are too general. But I’ve figured out the ones that matter to me, so no complaints. The “Sakura Pink” is actually “Terra Rose”, a coppery rose gold, at least mine is. But I would’ve orderes rose gold anyway, if it was an option.
MsMikitty –
Bought this watch NC it was on sale at a recommendation of Krazy Coupon Lady. I’ve been looking at fitness watches, and thought it would be a goid deal. Paid $40. I had to upload ab app to use on my phone, not that big of a deal. I used the QR code on the watch, and also in the book. Nut I could never get the watch to pair with my phone. Contacted Amazon and tried trouble shooting. He said I had tge wrong app. I thought itceas weird, but he sent me a link to another app to install –it just showed me watch faces. So basically, I’m just going to return it and get my money back.
Anne –
This is my second Amazfit watch. The first one lasted 2 years before the battery life started to wear down so I wanted to get a new one, the old one is still fine however. When I got it I charged it overnight. The next day I downloaded the app, followed the instructions and got it up and running with zero problems. The amount of data this one tracks and the features far exceeded my expectations. I found a lovely watch face too. The fitness tracking is awesome and detailed, the number of things it tracks is amazing, the sleep feature is excellent, the battery still has 10% left after 12 days, the band is comfortable and I just love it! The only thing I am missing is the one to find my phone. Overall I’m extremely happy with my purchase.
Diego –
🛍 El regalo del día de la madre
🛍 Perfecto cuando no tienes idea que hacer
🛍 Color suave
🛍 Súper ligero están ligero que ni lo notas, me ecantao que fuera de un solo color porque así mi madre que se combina con todo siempre esta a juego con todo.
🛍 Porque lo cogi, por la duración dela batería , el precio y el control de pulso esto es lo que mas me importa en ella , ya que sale andar todos los días y ver la gráfica como lleva el pulso andando , tiene que entender que no se ahoga ni vaya hablando de paseo que hay que llevar un 80% del ritmo cardiaco de tu edad , si quieres sacarle partido al deporte.
🛍 Con solo una plaicacion se sincroniza al telefono de manera rápida y sencilla.
🛍 LA bateria dura lo mas grande !! Esto ya me dejo sin palabras !!!
❤️Keropp_73😊 –
The sleep tracking works perfectly and it has more features than most watches, one being the do not disturb while sleeping which turns on automatically. It has many faces too so the watch can be used by anyone. It’s comfortable on the wrist too.
Paperbackstash –
If you want to keep track of time and steps, this works fine. Otherwise, be warned because you have to use the App, and the App is incredibly flawed and obnoxious.
First, half the time it needs to reset your password because it does not take the password. The password cannot be reset with an SMS Code unless you live in MAINLAND CHINA. I realize many things are now ran in China, but for those of us who don’t live there, having it reset through email is annoying. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t take 6-9 times to reset through email because they have a verification system that has four LIME GREEN letters that are TINY, that you cannot zoom, and they put black scribbles through these LIME GREEN TINY Letters. It’s almost impossible to see, seriously. It is a major aggravation about this watch.
The Bluetooth connecting is obnoxious. I spent hours the first night with my personal phone, no exagerration, and it would not connect. I finally had to do the initial connection with my work cell to use at all. I don’t know if it’s an issue with my phone but the feature has stayed faulty. You have to connect with the bluetooth and phone to register the daily stats.
With sleep, it deducts points and lectures on sleep every day for me because I don’t go to bed when it thinks healthy people should. I am interested in tracking sleep time and waking patterns and deep sleep, but if you are a night owl or work nights, it will always give you a lesser score. It doesn’t record my wake up times. I woke up the other night because my cat knocked over a mirror and I hopped up in bed – it said I did not wake up at all. It does seem to record deep sleep and light sleep, and time slept, fine for the most part.
It never records stress level or blood ox at all. With it recording my heart rate I am not sure why it can’t do stress level, always just says no data available. With the blood ox, it will only tell you where to place the watch when you click on it – but no other directions and the watch does not do it. Very frustrating.
Yes, the watch is cute, but it’s way too dependent on one of the most annoying apps I’ve ever used.
Anne –
I get up at least once in the middle of the night on a regular basis. Like, getting up and walking around. Yet, the sleep tracker says I slept all through the night.
Also, I have it set to notify me once an hour if I’m sedentary too long. I was literally in the middle of making dinner tonight when my watch notified me that I needed to be up and moving, even though I was doing exactly that.
The colors on the screen are drastically muted vs what you see on the app. The battery life was amazing for the first month I had it. But now that I’ve had it for about 6 weeks, it’s tanking pretty quickly. Over the past week, I’ve only been using my watch for counting steps. No heart monitor, no music, no workout tracking. Just steps. And yet, with only tracking steps, the battery is draining 20% – 30% per day despite boasting up to a 30 day battery life.
I wanted to return this, but my return window conveniently closed a week and a half before the battery life took a sharp turn downward. Seriously, don’t waste your money.
Diego –
Anche se può sembrare un po’ alternativo, ho scelto il rosa perché trovo sia un colore di tendenza e anticonformista, del resto in ufficio camicia rosa su pantalone blu, è un abbinamento fantastico.
Ma andiamo al sodo e parliamo, quindi, di Amazfit BIP S Lite.
Vi lascio una panoramica delle caratteristiche principali:
• Display: 1.28 “, schermo transflettivo a colori da 176×176 pixel, display sempre attivo, gamma di colori 64 RBG, Gorilla Glass 3 2.5D
• Cinturino: cinghie rimovibili in silicone, larghezza 20 mm, lunghezza regolabile 85-110 mm
• Sistema operativo: Amazfit OS
• Caratteristiche: cardiofrequenzimetro in tempo reale, resistenza all’acqua 5ATM, monitoraggio del sonno, monitoraggio dello sport, contapassi, avvisi di notifica di chiamata e app, avviso di inattività, ricerca del telefono, previsioni del tempo, controllo della musica e orologio
• Modalità sportive: corsa all’aperto, tapis roulant, ciclismo, ciclismo indoor, stile libero, walking, ellittica, yoga, corda per saltare, badminton, ping-pong, cricket, basket e vogatore
• Sensori: sensore di frequenza cardiaca ottico Bio-Tracking PPG, accelerometro a 3 assi, sensore geomagnetico a 3 assi
• Connettività: Bluetooth 5.0 / BLE, compatibile con Android 5.0+ e iOS 10.0+
• Posizionamento: da GPS a GPS (connesso tramite telefono)
• Batteria: 200 mAh
• Dimensioni: 42 x 35,3 x 11,4 mm
• Peso: 31 grammi
Esteticamente è difficile distinguerlo dalla variante base, dato che Amazfit Bip S Lite è apparentemente identico e non cambia in forme e materiali.
Questo significa un design squadrato che integra un display a colori da 1.28″, contornato da cornici piuttosto evidenti e che ci ricordano che siamo di fronte ad un prodotto, sicuramente valido seppur low-cost. Sul lato destro rimane il tasto con cui poter attivare lo smartwatch ed attivarne la retro-illuminazione, il tutto racchiuso in una scocca molto leggera da 31 g.
Lato hardware la vera mancanza rispetto al modello base è l’assenza del GPS, nessun problema se portiamo con noi lo smartphone sfruttandone quello integrato nello smartphone stesso.
All’interno della suite software sono presenti 8 modalità sportive.
Rispetto al suo predecessore, è stata migliorata l’impermeabilità, passando da IP68 del vecchio modello, alle 5 ATM di questa nuova versione LITE.
Questa estate potrò godere dell’esperienza di indossarlo anche durante le immersioni subacquee.
Un ampio display con supporto alla tecnologia always-on, per niente scontata in questa fascia di prezzo.
Da sottolineare che il tipo di LCD ha la particolarità di essere di tipo transflettivo, anche sotto la luce diretta del sole o di fonti luminose artificiali, la visibilità risulterà sempre ottima.
Super leggero e con un design sobrio, posso abbinarlo a qualsiasi outfit: niente paura di doverlo ricaricare, in modalità base, promette fino 30 giorni di durata batteria.
Un wearable super completo, che si configura come il perfetto assistente in ogni situazione. Posso affidarmi a lui per tenere sotto controllo la salute (non manca il sensore per il battito cardiaco e il monitor del riposo notturno), ma anche per registrare le mie performance sportive.
Le notifiche sono gestite bene sullo schermo, a seconda del’app appaiono le relative icone, per le app meno note, invece, appare una icona generica.
Il feedback della vibrazione è molto forte, non mi sono perso nessuna notifica.
La ricarica, abbastanza veloce, avviene mediante la classica basetta con i pin a contatto della scocca.
Al prezzo attualmente proposto su Amazon, sicuramente è un best buy.
In conclusione facendo una valutazione complessiva posso affermare che:
• Leggero e comodo
• Eccellente visibilità esterna del display transflettivo
• Resistenza all’acqua 5ATM
• Mancanza del modulo GPS
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