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Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black


(8 customer reviews)
Last updated on June 4, 2024 7:50 am Details
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Specification: Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black

Product Type


Compression Fit


Rechargeable Battery




Product Name

Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard



Model Number

60000 001-03


Pulse 2.0

Color Category


Targeted Area


Power Source




Battery Life

2 hours

Battery Size

Battery pack

Battery Type


Product Width

12.5 inches



Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts

1 Year

Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor

1 Year



Photos: Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black

8 reviews for Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black

4.9 out of 5
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  1. BBallMom52

    I bought this for my son who has quite a bit of knee pain due to Osgood Schlatter’s and growing. The NormaTec allowed him to get through his basketball season! He would get in the NormaTec after practice and sometimes in the morning before school. It worked miraculously. Really decreased his pain. I highly recommend.

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  2. BillnMish

    Active household; between my wife, daughter, and myself — there is something going on 7 days a week. Sometimes multiple trips to various places for any number of tournaments for us and/or our child.
    So, when I came across this “leg rejuvenation/recovery system” I was extremely skeptical. I had a lingering ACL ache and my wife a ~10+ year lingering deep quad issue.
    My ACL felt better after a single 60 min session on level 5, 6, then 7, before returning to level 5 – adjusting the pressure every 20 minutes. By my third session it was like it had never happened. Now, my next game I did feel a little tinge here and there, so I know it wasn’t completely “fixed” or gone, but upon getting home that evening I did another session and noticed nothing of the usual aches/pains the next morning like I had in months past.
    My wife also noted that her quad felt significantly better after a handful of sessions. Mentioning that she felt a lot more confident in her strides and didn’t notice any sort of range of motion limitations like she had previously.
    So, I’m not saying this thing is a miracle worker, but if you are very active and use it regularly I’m fairly certain that you will notice a difference in your recovery times and that amount with which you recover.
    Onto the device itself and the various settings;
    Everything is very heady duty. The materials, zippers, plugs, box itself, everything is just top-notch. The app allows you to control the unit from your phone and offers a few more settings that either aren’t available on the box itself (or I simply haven’t found how to access them yet :|). These range from the duration the pressure lasts for each section to the sensation of it filling.
    It is mentioned in the booklet that you can do it for as long as you like so I started off safe and did a 30 minute test run at level 3. The next night I did 60 minutes and each time since then I’ve done between 60-120 minutes (using the aforementioned level adjustment every 20 minutes). I could see this being a little intense (especially on level 7 for the entire time) if you were to try it for 3-4 hours, but I haven’t tried anything like that yet.
    That’s about it. There really isn’t much to it other than to plug it in, put on the sleeves, turn it on, pick your level/duration and hit “play”. At first a was a little bit like, “hmmmm, that’s it?!?!” But again, after the results I forgot all about that! If it’s *that* simple and gets the job done all the better! No need for wacky/counter-intuitive interfaces that require the user to read through a 50 page manual to understand.
    All in all, it’s amazing. We had a team party just this past weekend for our adult soccer team and over the course of the evening everyone was taking turns with it. All wanted one and I wouldn’t be surprised if the next time I’ve over at a couple of there houses if I don’t see these sitting in the corner.

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  3. SoCloseYetSoFar

    Definitely the best compression legs on the market though it still leaves me wanting more considering the price point.
    That being said they work really well and out perform any other products that are similar that I have tried with one exception that was significantly higher in price.
    For an at home recovery system these work well though I do wish they would stop when the timer expired versus running through the full cycle. For example if it’s just starting a new cycle and the timer hits 0 at that point it will continue on which essentially means it goes for longer than you planned and have to manually shut it off.
    App is bare bones and leaves a lot to be desired so won’t even get started on that.
    Overall really good product and curious to see what the next generation looks like.

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  4. clogsdon

    Excellent product! These were purchased for my All-Star basketball playing grandsons who use these to recover from punishing basketball games. Their legs take a beating, especially when playing back-to-back games. This product helps them recover quickly and be ready for the next game. This product does exactly what is says it will do. It came highly recommended, and I concur with those recommendations. Great product and will not hesitate to purchase again in the future.

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  5. InsaneDiego

    I got the NormaTec Pulse 2.0 for two reasons. First, I have some nueropathy in my feet so I am hoping that by increasing my circulation in my legs it would help out my feet. I sit at a desk all day and that doesn’t promote blood flow in my legs. Second, I ride a stand up elliptical bike and my minimum ride is an hour a day but I stretch that to multiple hours on the weekend. It’s like running without all the jarring! My legs feel tired and have a noticeable “feel” to them everyday. I guess you can say they feel heavy. I am hoping that using the leg system will help bring some life to my legs after the ride and the next day.
    My first attempt at using the legs was at Level 2 (of 7). It didn’t seem to feel like it did too much. My next session I ran at Level 3 and that was a nice jump. Definitely kicked it up a notch. I did both of these sessions before doing any exercise because it was my one off day.
    The next 4 days I had a good amount of exercise on my bike. 1 1/2 hour rides 3 of the 4 days and a 2 1/2 hour ride on 1 of the 4 days. 2 of these days were in 85 degree heat and 2 were in 70+ degree heat. After each ride I cooled down for 10-15 minutes, showered and then did a 30 minute recovery session lying in my bed. Since Level 3 felt pretty good, I decided to kick it up one more notch to Level 4 and that seems to be the sweet spot for me. I got real good constriction in the legs and could feel my pulse while it was tightened. Ha, maybe that’s why they call it the Pulse! Each 30 minute recovery session went by quickly. In fact I dozed off at the end of 3 of them I was so comfortable.
    What I noticed is that my legs immediately felt noticeably less heavy. The more time that passed, the better they felt. When I got up in the mornings, my legs felt good. Not heavy at all. My legs felt so good that on Day 4 I set my second fastest ride mph avg. ever. Now I have been training well lately but I didn’t go out to set any records. It was just a normal Sunday workout that went completely awesome. I kept looking down at my GPS unit and the ride avg was going up and up. So naturally I decided to just keep going since I felt so well.
    The Pulse has a mobile app and for me it’s been pretty much a fail. I connected my phone (a S9) to the Pulse via bluetooth. That went pretty smoothly. I got connected but it immediately threw an error. However, I was connected to the Pulse because I was able to control the time and level. But that’s where the good times ended. I could start the recovery but I couldn’t stop it. It never recorded the session in the Stats area either. I sent an email to NormaTec but so far they have not responded in 2 business days so I don’t know what the issue is.
    One of the things that I think should have been in the product given it’s price is a carry case. Between the Pulse unit, the hose and two legs, it’s a bulky system. NormaTec sells what looks like a fantastic bag but it too is pricey. Maybe the product could come with an inexpensive bag that has no padding and if you want the deluxe model then you shell out the bucks.
    All of the components feel top notch. The Pulse unit is solid and heavy. The way you change levels and time are super easy as the touch pad is very sensitive. Digging down into more advanced options, like turning off a zone, are not quite intuitive because there are no buttons for it. You have to perform a sequence of presses. The mobile app however has these settings in an easy to find place. The Legs or as they are sometimes called, boots, are made of a nice solid denier type material. They look like they will stand the test of time. And finally, the way the hose works is very nice. The attachments are solid and large. They have a very noticeable click when you have them hooked together so you have no worries if you did it correctly.
    Unfortunately for me this has done nothing for my feet’s nueropathy. I still have a dull vibrating feeling in my soles. I read that compression therapy sometimes helps but so far that isn’t happening. Eh, it was worth a try!
    The recovery process does require about an extra 40 minutes or so to your workouts. 30 minutes for the session and a little bit of time to get everything put together, disassembled and put away. After using it for 5 days I have to say it’s worth the time. I feel better all day long. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, maybe it’s real. Only time will tell. For now though I’m stoked and I’ll continue to use it after every workout.

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  6. Workout

    I loved it. I only feel that that one leg squeezes more then the other.

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  7. JimmyPhx

    I can’t boast enough how essential this recovery system is to helping the body recover after workouts. As someone who works out 5-6 days a week, my body feels 100% rejuvenated when I’m done. While it is a little pricey even on sale, the quality of the product coupled with the interest free financing makes it an easy to afford purchase paid off over the 24 months. Treat yourself…’re worth it!!

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  8. veritech13

    The Normatec Pulse 2.0 is definitely a different alternative to therapy and recovery. I was a bit skeptical at first but do run and do get sore from time to time. I decided to do an extra long run to purposely push myself a little and see what the Normatec Pulse can do.
    Putting on the leg sleeves was actually pretty simple as was connecting the air hoses. I certainly appreciate the rechargeable battery because it is a little cumbersome enough without having to be near an outlet as well. The sleeves fills with air and the pressure they can produce is pretty incredible, they then fill each compartment in sequence or a custom mode. I thought it would be more like a massager but it is definitely set up for recovery. It’s goal is to get a good blood flow and definitely give your muscles a good squeeze and force any lactic acid out and promote recovery with an increased blood flow.
    The app allows for easy pairing to your smartphone and more control over the rest times in-between every squeeze, boost options as well as number of zones. If the sleeve is too long for your leg , you can easily fold over the top and cancel out that zone/compartment on the app and it will not inflate thereby giving you the perfect fit for your targeted muscle zone.
    The only critique I see so far is not a functional downside but a convenience downside. I wish it came with a carrying bag because the system is a little bulky but it is definitely worth every penny. I definitely recommend it for RUNNERS or WORKOUT ENTHISIASTS who tend to experience elevated muscle soreness. The average person will enjoy it after a long day or average workout routine but it does come with a hefty price tag.

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    Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black
    Hyperice – Normatec 2.0 Leg System – Standard – Black

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