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Indiana Jones 4-Movie Collection


(12 customer reviews)
Last updated on March 28, 2024 2:10 am Details
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Specification: Indiana Jones 4-Movie Collection

MPAA rating

s_medPG PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)

Package Dimensions

6.93 x 5.51 x 1.02 inches, 15.52 Ounces

Media Format

Digital_copy, 4K, Subtitled

Release date

June 8, 2021


Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Denholm Elliott, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman



Country of Origin


Number of discs


Photos: Indiana Jones 4-Movie Collection

12 reviews for Indiana Jones 4-Movie Collection

3.8 out of 5
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  1. FJY

    This boxset contains all of the Indiana Jones films to date. All four films are here, though there aren’t a lot of extras. Anyone who wants more in-depth documentaries of the making of the films won’t find it here. All of the films are immensely enjoyable, though, which makes up for this and every film stands up to multiple repeat viewings. I don’t think that this boxset can be beaten for such a low price and represents great value for money.

    However, buyers should be aware that this set does NOT contain the uncut version of Temple Of Doom. The version included here is the original cinema version, though I did notice that a few more edits had been made since the old VHS video version. The DVD version appears to be even more heavily cut than the video and cinema versions, though there is no mention of this on the BBFC website, which is a bit odd. I did notice some sound edits and a few trims in a couple of other places. Why the BBFC chose to do this, I have no idea. However, this doesn’t entirely spoil the film, unless you are very familiar with the film and can easily spot the edited bits. The film was re-submitted to the BBFC a few years ago for Blu-Ray and cinema re-release and that version is reportedly completely uncut, for the first time ever in the UK. So, if you are desperate to see the complete film and you also have a Blu-Ray player, then my advice is to buy the Blu-Ray boxset, which contains the uncut film.

    Despite that, though, this is still a superb set and well worth adding to any action fan’s collection. I’d hardly call it a collector’s item, though, because it still doesn’t have the uncut version of Temple Of Doom, but if you don’t have a Blu-Ray player then this is the best that you will be able to get on DVD. The uncut scenes are available on Youtube, if you look hard enough, anyway. So, this is an excellent buy, but not exactly essential. I give it five stars, though, purely because of the iconic status of the films and their endless appeal.

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  2. Zach

    Love the movies (except for that 4th one that i most likely won’t ever watch again) that’s why i bought this. But the box that the discs came in was all broke to hell. The hinges that hold the plastic “pages” in place, were shattered. And a few of the little plastic tabs that keep the disc snapped in place were broken off so one of the discs is barely in place. The discs however were not damaged. I don’t actually need the case so doing a return isn’t worth the time. Just thought i’d put this here.

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  3. John E. Neale

    First and foremost, Indiana Jones is a must have for any movie collection. The movies are hands down 5 out of 5 stars.

    So why did I give it a 3 you ask. Well I’ll tell you why: The packaging. The packaging and case look great. Seriously it is gorgeous. HOWEVER, there is a problem when the case causes damage to the actual main material inside.

    The discs don’t come on a plastic press down, lift off normal kind of mechanism that you find in 99% of any kind of CD, DVD or Bluray case. All of these movies are in a slip cover. You have to slide it out from the side to get it out. Even this wouldn’t be sooo terrible if I didn’t have to really fight to get the discs out; the discs are in so tight that I felt like I had done a workout at the gym. Ok, maybe that’s a bit of exaggeration but seriously, they are in tight. This causes friction between the delicate disc and the harsh paper the discs sit on. The first time I pulled out each disc, they all had scratches on them. No, they weren’t extremely huge scratches, but they were scratches nonetheless. And maybe I’m the only one like this but, I like my movies to be flawless; NO fingerprints NO scratches. I had to put fingerprints on them to get them out but at least that’s an easy fix but scratches are permanent. And not to mention I haven’t even looked at them yet. I don’t want scratches on my NEW material literally straight out the box. Also, after sliding these things out over and over again, over time the case is just killing my movies. Terrible, HORRIBLE design.

    Ok, I feel like you may get my point by now. To wrap this up, this is a great buy to have the whole Harrison Ford Indy collection. But be prepared that if you buy this specific set and scratches annoy you, you will be highly annoyed. I plan to put these in some other slim cases because I can’t bear to see my Indy’s take damage for no good reason at all.

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  4. Matthew T. Weflen

    Buying your favorite movies in 4K after having already purchased them on Blu-Ray and DVD (and even VHS) can feel like a real gamble. Has the studio really done the work to make the movie excel in the new format? Paramount in particular is pretty well known for sub-par double dips (ahem, Star Trek films!).

    Well, you can set those fears to rest here. I have never seen as big a jump in quality from Blu-Ray to 4K, and never felt better about a triple dip than this one.

    Video quality is significantly upgraded in nearly every area. Blacks are no longer crushed, revealing oodles of detail in cloth textures, dark suits, and shadows. Colors no longer show flushed hot faces, instead showing beautiful, even skin tones. Motion is also handled better, with less judder. Aliasing is no longer evident on some diagonal lines as it was in the Blu-Ray.

    One of the most amazing upgrades to the visual is in the 1980s-era optical effects. Previously, optical composite shots (in which several elements are filmed separately and then layered into a new image – for instance the mining cart chase in Temple or the plane crashing into the tunnel in Crusade) showed prominent black matte lines and diminished detail and shadow levels. Paramount has apparently taken all of those original filmed elements and recomposited them digitally instead of optically, eliminating all of the characteristic defects of the original process from the period (similar effects cleanup work was done on Star Trek TNG). Scenes such as the blimp and plane chase in Last Crusade take on a whole new life and level of detail.

    The movies have never looked this good, not even in the theater. Audio is fine, at least as good as the previous Blu-Ray. The extras are largely the same as previous editions. The packaging is subpar – far cheaper and less attractive than the Blu-Ray edition.

    But all in all, this is the rare 4K release that definitively trounces any Blu-Ray edition. It’s one of the biggest upgrades I’ve ever seen in my own history of buying double and triple dips.

    Buy with confidence. It’s finally worth it.

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  5. DB

    The case that these discs came in was destroyed on the inside. The partitions that hold two of the discs were broken as was the case where they were to attach. That means that two of the movies are floating around in the case risking damage to the other discs and making it difficult to re-close the case. The DVD version of these movies I bought years ago were much more securely packaged. I guess I’ll stick with them rather than upgrading to the Blu-Ray.

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  6. Wayne

    Love these movies, packaging is bad, and mine had scratches on discs. The packaging is too hard to get the movies out, you have to pull them by the top and bottom, getting prints all over the edge of the dis. Every time you get them out.
    They are in the case too far, and too securely. They need to be looser, or have a hole to grab the center of the disc and avoid touching it. To top it off, two of my discs had scratches in them right out of the box.
    Not impressed.

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  7. Luca

    Il commento è relativo al cofanetto “Collector’s Edition”.
    Segnalo che il cofanetto, già privato di alcuni contenuti usciti originariamente nelle versioni estere, presenta una ulteriore riduzione dei collezionabili rispetto a quanto “promesso” da mesi sulla descrizione e immagine qua su Amazon e altri siti.
    Oltre ai film, il cofanetto contiene (come si vede dalla foto allegata):
    – Menu del pranzo da Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto
    – Calco della lapide del Graal
    – Biglietto aereo
    – 1 biglietto del dirigibile
    – Foto di Indiana Jones da I predatori dell’arca perduta.

    Mancano quindi:
    – Il secondo biglietto del dirigibile
    – La foto di Indiana Jones e di Henry Jones Sr.

    Non so se sia stata una decisione dell’ultimo minuto del produttore o se Amazon ne era al corrente da tempo, ritengo che in ogni caso quanto avvenuto sia scorretto.

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  8. D. M. Russell-Roberts

    If one is feeling the weight of this world a bit, wouldn’t a spot of Indiana Jones be a better remedy than valium
    or alcohol? It was a good idea of the producers & the master Steven Spielberg to resurrect the adventure story,
    duly modernised & jazzed up with the latest techniques. For sheer entertainment, colour, humour, weird
    situations, go to Harrison Ford, or (James Bond).

    Please forgive me, but I cannot resist evoking some of my favourite situations…The bad man (on cornering Indy)
    doing his karate sword act in joyous anticipation – & Indiana just sighs & pulls a gun. Indiana dressed in SS
    uniform getting carried away by the delirious crowd – & finding himself face to face with Adolf Hitler, who
    autographs for Indy the very book for which the Nazis are seaching the world frantically. Tied up, his father being
    kissed adieu by their mutual ex-mistress (“this is the Austrian fashion”), while Indy is punched hard by the SS officer
    (“this is the German fashion”), “I prefer the Austrian fashion”… The same SS officer he punches out of the
    zeppelin, announcing to the startled passengers:”no ticket!”, & all the passengers scramble to get out their tickets.
    Poor Kate meeting in the jungle every wild animal, creepy-crawly & snake – with the others .just continuing to
    calmly discuss the route…

    Wonderful adventure & a real hoot . I hope they give Ford a special Oscar for his work.

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  9. DVD Collector

    Great collection on DVD. All 4 Indiana Jones Movies in slimline DVD cases. Nicely packaged and boxed plus good special features alongside the classic movies. I really like all the movies, even ‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’! My scores out of 5 for each movie is as follows. ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ 5/5. ‘Temple of Doom’ 4/5. ‘The Last Crusade’ 5/5. ‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ 4/5.

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  10. Wolf-Dieter Felsbach

    Das Produkt wurde in kurzer Zeit in unbeschädigtem und gut verpacktem Zustand geliefert.
    Es ist meine erste Indiana Jones Kollektion und ich habe sie aufgrund des geringen Preises gekauft.

    Soweit ich weiss wurde die Filmreihe im Jahr 2009 digital nachbearbeitet und aus dem Grund wurde eine Neusynchronisation notwendig. Persönlich bin ich davon ein wenig enttäuscht. Wolfgang Pampel, der seit Jahren Harrison Ford spricht, spricht zwar auch diesmal wieder Harrison Ford, diese neue Fassung ist aber geprägt von einer meiner Ansicht nach unpassenden Ruhe und lässt den Enthusiasmus des Jahres 1981 vermissen, was der Übersetzung eine Langeweile aufdrängt, die die Indiana Jones Reihe aus einem anderen Licht erscheinen lässt. Dies ist aber meiner Ansicht nach eine Schwäche der Dialogregie. Außerdem scheint Wolfgang Pampel’s Stimme eine Tonlage nach unten gerutscht zu sein, in den ersten Minuten muss man sehr aufmerksam zuhören, um Wolfgang Pampel’s Stimme überhaupt zu erkennen. Diese Kritik erlaube ich mir zu sagen, da ich extra nachgeschaut habe, ob Wolfgang Pampel, der ja weiterhin fleißig arbeitet, an Stimmbandproblemen leidet, was meiner Recherche nach nicht der Fall ist. Bis auf ihn und die Stimme von Marcus Brody (wiederum gesprochen von Mogens von Gladow) wurden sämtliche Nebenrollensprecher neubesetzt.

    ABER – und das ist der Hammer – wem die Neusynchronisation nicht gefällt und wer auf Dolby 5.1 verzichten kann: die Erstsynchronisation ist auf einer weiteren Tonspur als Dolby 2.0 vorhanden! Man kann somit wählen, welche Version man sehen möchte. Dafür gibt es ein großes Lob! Das ist nicht bei allen Neusynchronisationen der Fall.
    Die digitale Bildbearbeitung ist brilliant, der Film sieht aus, als wäre er in den 2000 Jahren gedreht worden. Einzig die aus heutiger Sicht einfachen Computereffekte wie das Einwerfen des Stabes in den Kartenraum oder das Öffnen der Bundeslade wurde nicht nachgebessert – ein absolut verzeihbarer Fehler.

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  11. Mark Witt

    Packaging is terrible. Blu-rays are in there like pages in a book, and they get stuck in there. Not matter what you do, you end up getting finger prints on it before using it. Also my copy came with temple of doom with bubbles in the pressed copy and crystal skull warped. Neither of which would play. Returned this product as defective. Also the HD quality is not every good.

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  12. Rosie

    I read the older reviews and was skeptical about the packaging and if I was going to get the older sleeves or the cheap plastic cases. I was surprised when I opened the case to find the packaging to be newer and improved! I attached some pics for anyone questioning if they should buy based off the packaging alone. I am very excited to add this to my Blue Ray library!

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