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AfterShokz Aeropex Mini Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones


(7 customer reviews)
Last updated on April 8, 2024 1:10 am Details
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  • Open-Ear Design – Patented bone conduction technology delivers premium audio through the cheekbone, keeping you connected and aware of your surroundings.
  • Light & Comfortable – Experience unmatched comfort with our most lightweight and comfortable headphones. Aeropex Mini features a 0.5 inch smaller band for a more snug fit.
  • Eight-Hours of Music & Calls – Enjoy 8 continuous hours of music and dual noise-canceling mics for crystal clear calls.
  • IP67 Waterproof Rating – Completely sweat and waterproof. Moisture detection alert included for safe charging. (Not suitable for swimming)
  • Multifunction Button – Easy controls to play, pause, skip, activate voice assistant, and answer calls.

Specification: AfterShokz Aeropex Mini Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

Product Dimensions

6.69 x 5.12 x 1.97 inches

Item Weight

1.01 pounds

Item model number



1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)

Date First Available

October 22, 2020




aftershokz limited corporation

Country of Origin


Photos: AfterShokz Aeropex Mini Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

7 reviews for AfterShokz Aeropex Mini Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

4.1 out of 5
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  1. na ko



















    では! bye bye!



    AEROPEXは骨伝導界のマジ神だし、音の切れも良くて装着しても違和感ないしとても良いのですが、マスクと一緒につけると紐が引っかかるし、目からの感染を防ぐ為にさらに伊達メガネを掛けたりすると、耳が大変な事になってしまうので、BOSE framesをクリアレンズに交換してカスタムしたサングラスを愛用するようになり、使い分けるようになりました。

    BOSE frames (RONDO)の方もレビューしているので良かったら探して読んで見てくださいね(笑)










    ※追記※ 2020/5/13


    返品は非常に簡単で、返信メールの指示どおり、全ての付属品などをパッケージに戻し、梱包してフォーカルポイント株式会社 サービス&サポート部宛に送って終了。








    ※追記※ 2021//6/22




    ほぼ毎日使って、生活の一部になっているエアロペックスですが、とにかく壊れにくいので、それが裏目に出て、ほかのヘッドホンよりも雑に扱ってしまい、またまた連絡させていただいたしだいです。m(_ _)m


    なので、最後にサポートを含めて、もう一度、エアロペックスを再評価しようと思います。やっぱり★5つです。アフターショックスと、フォーカルポイントさんありがとうございました!\(^o^)/感謝 for u!!

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  2. Enu


    (本品)自室で試したら音漏れなし!! 職場の休憩室で同僚に聞いてもやはり音漏れなし!! これだけでも本品は「マスト」です!!

    (本品)日本語。これは想定外!! これも高評価の理由です。

    (本品)柔らかい!! 限度はあるけどコンパクトにできる(写真参照:もう少し小さくできます)!! スマホ充電器などを入れたポーチに入れて持ち歩きできるように。なお付属品のケースではなく百均のモバイル向けケースに入れ、さらにポーチに入れています。

    とにかく、「音漏れ」を中心に骨伝導に対する認識を一変させた逸品!! これは本当におすすめです!!

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  3. Travis

    I have had the Aeropex headphones for just under a month, and what follows is my standalone and comparison views between these and the older Aftershokz Titanium set.

    The Aeropex are a bone-conducting headphones set, which is an interesting concept, for headphones to both play music and allow you to follow a conversation around you, virtually with no loss from either sources. Amazon asked me to rate “noise cancellation” as a feature, and honestly, I rate it at a “1” because that’s not what these headphones are meant for. They excel at allowing you to enjoy music while not compromising your ability to react to the world around you. If noise cancellation is your thing, Amazon probably has a lot of recommendations on this page to get your fix.

    They sit comfortably above your ears and sit directly on the space under your temples, in front of your ears. The Titanium set, sits the same way, but were noticeably heavier. Granted, this is a minor to insignificant distinction in my eyes, I don’t find the weight of either to be intrusive in any way, and I have never had a issue with either slipping from their place, or digging in to my ears.

    A quick word on the old Titanium set, since I will be using it heavily to contrast features. What ultimately did them in was a crack that formed in the plastic, on the right side, ultimately breaking. They lasted me nearly two years of near-daily service, 6-8 hours a day. So, needless to say, the Aeropex have large shoes to fill. Both fit nearly the same profiles, but the Aeropex are noticeably thinner, and the buttons are in the same place.

    One thing that struck me right away upon receiving the new Aeropex was their slimmer profile. They are much more ‘stringy’ than the titanium. But as I noted above, the ultimate downfall of the Titanium was a crack in a rigid plastic section, something that the Aeropex does not have. The frame is now much more flexible, resistance to said cracking, the old rigid parts are the ones that contain, for lack of a better term, the speakers, and the parts that contain the batteries and electronics. Thus, I believe the Aeropex would not be likely to suffer this same fatal flaw.

    The buttons have my opinion a bit mixed. On the old Titanium set the volume buttons were on the right side, behind the charging port, behind your right ear. They are the same way on the Aeropex, but the with the charging port set behind the buttons instead of in front. It made things a little awkward for me as I adapted to the change. The multi-purpose button is still on the left side speaker, but is now much smaller. I have been finding that, due to the smaller, rounder shape of the left speaker, that it is slightly awkward to double-tap the button in order to skip to the next song; I find my finger slipping and ending up only pausing the music instead. If I could redesign it, I’d likely move this button towards the back of the left speaker, where the force I put on it goes more into the bone; or simply making the speaker pods flat on the outside, like the titanium were.

    One other minor detail, tangentially related to the buttons, is the pairing mode. Most devices have it set up where you hold the power button for some odd seconds after the device powers up to enable it, as these do too. But I found it slightly more cumbersome, and there’s no tone (on the Titanium the voice said “pairing”) which leaves visual confirmation as the only way to tell. Sometimes, my bluetooth connection drops out, and the easiest way to repair it is to delete the relationship on the phone, and repair. On the old set, I could turn them off, and listen for the “pairing” when it started up to tell when I could let go of the button; a minor complaint, but worth noting for hands-free resolution.

    I am happy to say that the slight vibration that Titanium sometimes had at max volume is no longer an issue here. I won’t dawdle on the sound quality of both the headphones, mainly because I’m not that much of an audiophile. But as far as I can tell, it’s small improvement with the Aeropex. The Aeropex apparently has different sound profiles you can swap through, but it’s not that much of a draw for me. They have noted that the Aeropex are supposed to be louder, but I honestly think they are the slightest bit quieter. When I was buying the headphones, others were having issues with the loud system beeps the headphones make, but honestly I haven’t found them obtrusive. If anything, I’d say some things, like the voice cut-in to tell you when the battery is running low, are almost too quiet, and my only indication that they’d happen is that my music will suddenly take a volume dip for a second.

    The major issue I’ve had with the Aeropex, is the battery life.

    First, the charge port is different on this model. On the Titanium they were a USB micro; on the new one they are a proprietary contact type. I like this change, because, while it isn’t as universal as a USB-c connection every other one of my devices uses, it is an improvement over the last. USB micro, I’ve found has problems with longevity, becoming worn over time. With the new contact type charger, the only thing that is going to affect charge-ability is going to be dirt over the contacts, which would be easy to clean. I imagine that this type of connection is also much easier to waterproof.

    This was a factor I liked about the new Aeropex. While the old Titanium are no strangers to moisture, and will generally handle sweat and light rain, it is nice to know that a prompt afternoon shower will not end the life my Aeropex. This makes all of the electronic devices I use good for use in the rain.

    The model I got came with the sport belt, and while I don’t have much use for that, I do love the packing I got the Aeropex in, a very professional, sturdy, quality box that reminds me of the kind of case you get for a $1000 smartphone. And unlike so many other companies they INCLUDE 2 CHARGING CABLES. Seriously, I wish Amazon would let me highlight that part. The inclusion of an extra charging cable is such a Quality of Life feature, because it allows me to keep one at home, and toss the other into my bag to grab whenever I’m running out the door; for headphones made for people constantly on the go, this is an amazing thing.

    But, the battery life. This is one of the reasons I’ve waited a month to review, because my work day is highly variable. Right now, for this last month I’ve been restricted to 4 hour work days, whereas I normally work for 8 or more hours at a time. The old titanium set was rated for 6 hours of continuous playback, which I was happy to see completely exceeded for all but a few days of their life. They were absolute tanks, and only really had problems reliably when I went over 9 hours, and had a long day of listening at max volume.

    The Aeropex have had problems keeping up with my 4 hour workday. I can’t get them hold that charge for longer. My listening habits haven’t changed since I’ve swapped, but these have a hard time keeping up. I often listen at max volume, or a few bumps below it, especially as my workplace cranks up the fans to keep up with the summer heat. Granted, that’s at max volume, but in my workplace I can’t even hear them below 50%. Understandably, I know the battery life is supposed to be reduced when use high volumes, but it’s worth noting that this set is supposed to be rated for 8 hours, where the old ones were rated for 6, and I blasted music on the old Titaniums too. What worries me, though it is a non-issue in the short-term, is when I go back to working 8+ hour shifts.

    I did test them a couple of days ago, after having them on full power for a about 2.5 hours, the headphones were asking to be charged. I turned down the volume, which had seemed to help before, and lasted until about the 3-1/4 mark.

    Which, to be frank is disappointing, to the point where they may have an actual manufactured issue, I might suspect.

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  4. 物欲まっしぐら









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  5. michael ketcher

    *Edit* I love these things more and more each day. I utterly forget I’m wearing them and I frequently don’t charge them at night. Despite this I’ve noticed I can get at least a full 2 days worth of battery out of these. Let me be clear. I put them on at 9am in the morning before I shower and I don’t take them off till about 1am at night. During that 16 hours they are connected in multipoint paring mode to my cell phone and my Nintendo Switch at all times. Of that 16 hours they are on I listen to music about 3 hours of the day and watch probably an hours worth of videos on my phone. I use them for notifications and phone calls mostly allowing me to be hands free and without bothering those around me. I answer probably 5 calls a day and talk on the phone about an hour a day and then in the evenings I listen to audio books for about 5 hours. So they are on for 16 hours connected to Bluetooth per day every day with about 10 hours of use and about 6 hours of using them solely for notifications on my phone. After doing that for 2 days without charging the battery was at 40%. The device will only tell you battery high, Battery Medium or battery low. Checking my phones Bluetooth I can see the devices battery and I’ve noticed it moves in 20% increments only so perhaps it was less than 40% after 32 hours of Bluetooth connection and roughly 20 hours of actual use. I’ve never seen them go lower and I literally do this every day. I LOVE THEM!

    These things rock. Seriously amazing! My only complaint is that they don’t make a pair with an adjustable band. I like listening to my physics lectures while I sleep and my pillow does cause them to shift around on my head. it’s so minor given I can actually wear these to bed and wakeup with them still on. My other headphones fall off or have to be set beside me and volume set just right to not wake my wife. These headphones are tremendous about not making noise for those around me. They can be heard after 2/3 volume from a very close distance. At full blast they can can be heard 10 feet away faintly. To be honest half way up the volume is seriously like jamming out! I loved these so much I ordered the Aeropex mini from BestBuy to try for a more tight fitting around the back of my head. They turned out to be slightly too small and would shift when I turned my head. (A size in the middle would be utterly fantastic. If they were adjustable there isn’t a single thing I could think to complain about.) So I exchanged them for another set of the original aeropex and now I have 2! One for me and one for my wife. We got these for my birthday and my wife and I instantly fell in love with these so she got the extra pair. Anyway, I wanted something that would free up my hands while allowing me to answer calls, get notifications, listen to music/audiobooks and all without inhibiting me from experiencing the world around me. Oh and I wanted some water resistance for listening to music in the shower. I have a baby on the way and that is what lead me to find a product that would achieve everything I wanted. Bone conduction seemed to be the best choice but having never used the technology I wasn’t too confident about it. So I wanted the best ones available. After much research the Aeropex was the clear winner. After wearing them from the time I wake up till I go to bed at night for a couple weeks I can already tell I’ll be a lifelong fan. I literally wear them all day. From the moment I wake up, I put them on and play music while I shower. I have to turn them up high to hear clearly over the shower but I don’t mind. They do vibrate the louder they get. Feels like a tingle. Some frequencies cause it more than others. I’m quite used to it now and don’t mind one bit. In fact I really can’t say enough good about these! They do jut out from the back of my head slightly so I angle them down and actually prefer to wear them this way now with the band down around the base of my skull instead of being horizontal to the ground. This allows me to lay down and they stay in place more efficiently when I lay down or lean back in a chair. My sunglasses stack on top of these and I can’t tell it’s anything other than normal. Even with a hat all 3 doesn’t feel like too much. In fact I forget I’m wearing these most of the time till I get a text and I hear my notification noise come from inside my head. This is one my favorite things about the headphones actually. Turning the volume really low creates something similar to having a song stuck in your head. I can hear my music but only just slightly and it seems almost like it comes from my brain. Quite a unique experience and I love it! The battery also last substantially longer than advertised. At 1/3 volume- where I keep it usually- they last all day and after 12 hours still have over half the battery left. In fact I listened to 6 hours of an audiobook and had the headphones on and connected to my phone for 14 hours that day. Also playing music for probably 2 or 3 hours and talking on the phone for maybe an hour and after all that they were 60% battery. Haven’t seen them go lower than that after a full 12 hours of use a day for the few weeks I’ve owned them. They are amazing. The sound quality is good. It’s definitely better than an inexpensive pair of in-ear buds. Do they compare to my Beats Studio over-ear headphone in audio quality? No, but they serve an entirely different role while also being FAR more versatile. The sound quality definitely goes up substantially with earplugs, which is neat in its own right. I truly cannot complain about these headphones. I forget I’m wearing them most of the day. I love how lightweight they are. Seriously recommend them to everyone. Pricey but worth it. Seriously shaping up to be my all time favorite device purchase! Oh and I don’t get why others complain about the beeps being so loud. They are set to probably 50% volume and are not that loud at all. People just like to complain I guess.

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  6. SCL

    After hearing a friends AfterShokz Air, I was impressed and decided that I needed to get these to try for myself.

    I am not their main target customer. I use these in the office primarily with the intended occasional bike ride at the weekends (still yet to try this). I wanted to be able to listen to music but still hear the conversations going on around me in case I need to join in, or simply if someone wants to ask me a question and they can just say my name without doing a wavy dance to try and get my attention. For this they work exactly as intended.

    I also take several calls throughout the day and the quality is excellent. I can hear people loud and clear and I have been told that I come across very clear with the quality on par with most headsets. Watching films seems to have audio in sync and sounds great.

    I also have these connected to my laptop at the same time and can seamlessly switch between my phone and laptop.

    Battery wise I am still amazed. I have not timed it yet myself, but I have no issues getting through a full day of music listening and calls with the odd pauses throughout the day.

    Comfort is really really good and most of the time I forget that I am actually wearing them. I do have the music at a normal volume (not so loud that I cant hear my surroundings) so the vibrations into my jaw are not too harsh which I think also helps with reducing fatigue. But I pretty much have this on my head for a solid 10 hours to put it into perspective.

    Sound quality is going to be very subjective. They are not your normal headphones and therefore will not be as good BUT they are far from average. Yes the bass response is not as good but Im not listening to loud heavy dance tracks and for the most part I forget that the bass is lacking. Music still sounds nicely rounded and pleasant to listen to.

    If I was to find fault it would be with the vibrations on louder volumes. It cant really be helped, but the vibrations are a weird sensation and fatigue does set in much quicker. There is also a confirmation beep for things like volume up which is unnecessarily loud and makes me want to use my phone volume instead of the headset buttons.

    Other than that I couldn’t recommend enough if the use case fits you.

    Tried these on a ride and work exactly as you would expect. The helmet straps aren’t an issue and the rear band sits low enough to not interfere with the rear helmet strap (at least on my normal helmet)

    Still very happy and they have been glued to my head all day everyday at the moment.

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  7. Antonio

    Ante todo debo decir que este es el segundo modelo es el segundo que conozco de AfterShokz. El primero fue el modelo Air, que tiene un precio bastante más reducido. Con carácter general, los pros y contras de estos auriculares son los siguientes:
    A favor: Son muy ligeros, la calidad del sonido es buena, la duración de la batería es excelente y son capaces de conectarse con cualquier dispositivo. El manejo es cómodo y fácil. La construcción parece sólida y son cómodos de transportar además de venir con una bolsa perfecta para este propósito. Su uso para hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas es perfecto. Su uso para escuchar música o cualquier sonido procedente de un dispositivo bluetooth es muy satisfactorio. Y, por último, su forma de transmitir el sonido los hace ideales para no dañar o dañar menos el oído e insustituibles para las personas que no pueden utilizar los tradicionales por el motivo que sea (médico o de otra naturaleza)..
    En contra: Por su modo de funcionamiento no puede esperarse de ellos la misma calidad de sonido que unos auriculares tradicionales, si bien esta diferencia solo van a apreciarla los muy melómanos. No es mi caso, los uso para oir música, podcasts, para llamadas telefónicas, etc., y en todos los casos es muy bueno el sonido. Otro inconveniente, aunque menor, es que el aro que sobresale en la parte posterior de la cabeza “choca” con el sillón o sofá en el que estemos sentados (impidiendo apoyar la cabeza) y, por ello, tampoco nos permite usarlos tumbados boca arriba. Finalmente, un inconveniente importante es el precio, demasiado elevado en mi opinión aunque, insisto, la calidad del dispositivo es muy elevada.
    Para finalizar, cuando me planteé la primera compra no tenía claro si debía optar por el modelo Air o el modelo Aeropex. Leí algunas críticas de usuarios en el sentido de que el modelo más reciente, Aeropex, pese a ser bastante más caro, no mejoraba los modelos anteriores. Por este motivo compré, inicialmente, el modelo Air que, unos meses después, regalé a un familiar al que, problemas auditivos, le impiden usar los auriculares tradicionales. Pues bien, mi experiencia hace que discrepe de las críticas citadas. El modelo Aeropex es más liviano que el modelo Air, la duración de la batería es mayor, la calidad de sonido es mejor y la conexión con los dispositivos bluetooth se encuentra muy mejorada. Además, en el modelo Aeropex se ha reducido el efecto “vibración” que aparece cuando el volumen es muy alto, y se ha reducido de manera muy notable. Todo esto hace que, indudablemente, lo considere mucho mejor que el modelo Air.

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    AfterShokz Aeropex Mini Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones
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